If you are a law student, you can use the Dockets feature of Bloomberg Law to receive an email message whenever a pleading, Order, or docket entry is made in a case.
Use the "...& Dockets" link from the Bloomberg Law line in the Law Library's home page Popular Services section, or
From the Bloomberg Law landing page select the "Browse All Content" link in the upper left of the screen, click on 'Litigation and Dockets' in the drop-down window.
Use the different search fields to locate your case from the newly opened search screen.
At the docket entry listing page you'll see a 'Track Docket' link near the top, underneath the Large type size case name. Click on the Track Docket link and follow the instructions to set up the Alert.
If this does not answer your question, or if there is ever anything we can help you with please don't hesitate to use our "Ask a Librarian" feature, or drop by the reference desk. Remember, "We are here for you".