Yes, the film Rashomon can be streamed through our online resource, kanopy.
Searching for available streaming media is now as easy as searching by title in our Catalog Search box from the FIU Law Library website. Simply type in your title, and the results list will display available streaming media, noted by the icon:
From there, you simply click the "FIU users: view content here" link to access your film.
To access kanopy in FIU Law classrooms, use the favorites toolbar in the Firefox browser. Kanopy is saved as a favorite for ease of click-through access.
Click on "kanopy" to access the library of documentary films.
I hope this fully responds to your inquiry regarding accessing streaming media from FIU Libraries. If you require anything further or have difficulty viewing this content, please let me know. It is advised that you test streaming playback in our classrooms prior to the day needed in case software requires updating to view.