Q. Where can I find information regarding past arrests including traffic violations exceeding $200?
I was finding out information for my bar application and I have a question that I think you're the most appropriate person to ask about. One of the questions refers to past arrests including traffic violations exceeding $200. When I went on the FIU Law website and through the directed channels to find out if I have any traffic citations exceeding $200, I was taken to a page that said I had to order my record from the State and pay a fee. Do you recommend that I do that, or will I be able to find this information out when the school unlocks our personal records and we can search through them on Lexis?
In order to search for information in Florida, you have to go county by county where the criminal offense or violation(s) could have occurred. Information regarding local clerks of court and related search websites are availble through the Law Library's Florida Bar Character and Fitness Info Resources guide. Tab "Traffic Offenses" and "Criminal Records" both contain links to Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe counties' clerks websites with an explanation on how to conduct searches. As noted, you can pay Florida a fee and they will gather all of the information in one place - but it is a good idea to search on your own especially since such searching will be beneficial to your future practice as an attorney.
If you ever lived or drove outside of Florida and are concerned about potential over $200 tickets, you will have to search individual jurisdictions separately. Please Ask a Librarian from the FIU Law Library's website, using the "Ask a Librarian" button on the lower left if this is the case and we can assist you further.
You can search for information using Lexis Public Records. An instructional video regarding how to access Lexis Public Records is available in the same Florida Bar Character and Fitness Info Resources guide under tab "Lexis Public Records." If you have difficulty accessing or using Lexis Public Records, please contact your student representatives for Lexis. PLEASE NOTE: you can only use Lexis Public Records to search for yourself; any other use is a violation of use and will be tracked and reported.
Thank you for using the FIU Law Library. If we can be of further assistance, please Ask a Librarian.